Written By | Tom Comet
We are super excited that we have the Freefly EMBER highspeed camera in our ever expanding gear inventory. Finally we have a high performance, high frame rate camera that has a small form factor, is easy to use, cost effective and has an efficient workflow. Before Freefly Systems got in the game making highspeed cameras it was notoriously expensive and infinitely fiddly to capture buttery smooth, super slow motion shots on set and all but impossible to do it with a drone. Not any more!
Freefly being the innovators that they are fixed the highspeed camera problem. They came out with their first highspeed camera, the WAVE, back in 2020 and it was groundbreaking in its form factor, size and price point but it lacked the image quality that our discerning film and TV clients require. We bought a WAVE when it came out and it was amazing for what it was. The WAVE got us hooked on high frame rate shots and we made some amazing images with it but we craved something more and now we have it.
Freefly heard the call and stepped up with the EMBER. Everything about this camera is better and we are very excited to shoot with it. It is a simple, light weight “box camera” design so it will mount well on our FPV drones. It has a Super 35 sensor with a global shutter which is great and ours has a PL Mount and E-Mount so we can put just about any lens you want on there. The EMBER shoots 5K at 600FPS , 4K at 800FPS and 2K at up to 1500FPS. It records to an onboard SSD drive in Prores and has the dynamic range and image quality that are far superior to the previous WAVE. The workflow is amazing and there is even a dedicated app for quick review and delivery of selects on set.
For you camera geeks out there here are some specs the Freefly EMBER:
-S35 Sensor
-Framerates – 5K 600FPS, 4K 2.37:1 1000FPS, 4K 17:9 800FPS, 2K 16:9 1487FPS
-Mount – PL, E-Mount and Active EF Mount
-Codec – Prores
-ISO – 100-400
-Storage – 4TB Onboard SSD
-Power – 12-26V
-Outputs – HDMI
-Global Shutter
DroneBoy is excited to be offering this camera on our Conventional and FPV drones as well as standalone rental package of the camera only or camera with Operator. To find out more about this exciting technology and how you can harness it to its best potential for your next production Contact us today!